KeYi Gallery, Hefei
Walking in the zoo is the most serious thing
Exhibition site
吾栖之肤 / My Skin
方政 / Fang Zheng
2023Work information单通道彩色无声循环影像 / Single-channel color silent loop image ”’ -
离岸 / Off-shore
郑孟强 / Zheng Mengqiang
2023Work information布面油画 / Oil on Canvas 200 x 150 cm -
音爆 2 / Sonic Boom 2
杨玥琪 / Yang Yueqi
2022Work information布面油画 / Oil on Canvas 180 x 140 cm -
撒尿的人对工作毫无概念 / The Conceptual Impossibility of Work in the Mind of Someone Pissing
冉宇宵 / Ran Yuxiao
2019Work information布面油画丙烯 / Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 101.6 x 76.2 cm -
换台 / Change Channels
黄海岩 / Huang Haiyan
2022Work information布面丙烯,油画棒 / Acrylic on Canvas, Oil Pastel 50 x 40 cm -
灯,沙发,闪电,泳池 / Lamp, Sofa, Lighting, Swimming Pool
温一沛 / Wen Yipei
2020Work information布面丙烯 / Acrylic on Canvas 170 x 135 cm -
无人售货 / No Staff Here
郭发展 / Guo Fazhan
2023Work information灯带,亚克力罩 / LED Strip,Acrylic 51 x 51 cm -
被遮蔽的光 / Obscured Light
向帅 / Xiang Shuai
2023Work information布面综合材料 / Synthesis material on Canvas 120 x 150 cm -
生成 / Naissance and Evolution
刘志成 / Liu Zhicheng
2022-2023Work information布面油画 / Oil on Canvas 150 x 70 cm -
话语的包 / Bag's Words
李关帅 / Li Guanshuai
2022Work information布面丙烯 / Acrylic on Canvas 120 x 80 cm